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Citizen Scientist
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Who Does Research?

Research is carried out in many places.  Where it is carried out often depends on the type of research being done.  Areas of research can include our health, the environment, the community we live in and so on.  Research can be carried out in hospitals, universities, community centres, even your own home.

The Government provides money for health related research.  This is given out by research councils and the Department of Health.  Other money comes from charities that help to pay for research.  The Government also provides money for specialist centres to carry out research. Public Health England and the National Blood Service are examples of these.  As this money comes from the tax payer, it is important that it is spent wisely.  To make sure of this, members of the public sit on funding bodies and ethics boards.  They help to make decisions as to how the money should be spent.  Public members are also needed on research teams to make sure that the research is important and relevant to the people it is meant to help.  You can find out more about who does research by looking at our research partners and research that happens outside the Salford area

Salford Royal

Research in Hospitals

Most people do not know that research takes place in hospitals.  However research and development is very important to the National Health Service (NHS) and every person in the UK has the right to know about research that is being carried out and if they can take part.  All hospitals in the UK should try to improve patient care and services through research.  So, when you come into hospital, your doctors may ask you if you want to take part in a study.  This will be a study of the condition you are receiving treatment for and may help to improve your situation.  You can also ask your doctors if they are aware of any research study that you might be able to take part in as an alternative to the standard treatment.  It is entirely up to you whether or not you take part.  If you chose not to, you will still be treated with the best treatment available at this time. You can also chose to leave a study and return to the standard treatment if you no longer wish to be involved in the study.

Salford University

Research in Universities

Most universities carry out research with research being undertaken by research scientists, academics and post-graduates students.  Every aspect of our lives and the environment that we live in will be studied at universities and health related research at universities often tries to find out the basic scientific reasons why a disease will occur.  Many clinicians in hospitals have links to universities where they can get access to the most up to date resources and support for their research.  This is mostly the case with university teaching hospitals such as Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust.