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Our Healthy Volunteer Studies

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Healthy Volunteers wanted

Many studies look for "healthy volunteers" which are shown below.  You can contact the researchers directly, but please read the information available to make sure you want to take part.  The studies below are all recruiting now.


Researchers are looking for parents of children aged 3-10 year to take part in this study
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University of Manchester researchers looking for healthy volunteers to take part in computer-based tasks 
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Researchers are interested in how this happens in daily practice -short survey to complete.  
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Researchers at Salford Royal are looking for volunteers for this new study
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The University of Manchester is looking for volunteers to take part in a study investigating the relationship between sleep and thinking processes. 

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Healthy volunteers over 50 with no knee problems wanted for this study
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Participants needed for a brain imaging study of the brain’s response to laser and electric pain
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Both healthy volunteers and patients with Parkinson's disease needed for this study aged 50-75 
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in normal and psoriasis skin.  Participants 18+ with no history of skin disease needed for this study.  
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Volunteers wanted aged 18 or over who do not have a history of joint disease.
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Healthy volunteers are needed for a skin aging study.  Aged under 30yrs or over 75yrs.  
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This study is looking for patients and healthy volunteers to take part.  
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Healthy volunteers are need for a study looking at the genes involved in the development of type 2 diabetes.  

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Are emotions important to the psychological effects of alopecia areata? Healthy volunteers wanted for brain scan study.  

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in depression and schizophrenia.  
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Could you have a brain scan and complete some computer tasks? Healthy volunteers with no history of skin disease needed. 

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Healthy volunteers aged 30-60 wanted for study assessing the effects of sunlight exposures on the skin barrier.  

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Do you have a close relative with rheumatoid arthritis (RA)?.  Researchers are looking for volunteers without RA to help identify risk factors for this disease.  

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About Healthy / Control Volunteers

In clinical research many volunteers provide researchers with important information for comparison with people who have specific illnesses.  You can be a healthy or control volunteer even if you have a specific condition.  It depends on the type of person a researcher is looking for. On this page we provide you with the opportunity to take part in some interesting research studies that can be about testing new medicines or health interventions, looking at the underlying causes of disease or trying to answer basic scientific questions.  Some of these studies may ask you to provide samples or to take tests where results can be compared to people with a certain condition.  

Researchers may ask you a series of questions to see if you can help them with their study.  It is important that you answer them honestly.  The citizen scientist site will provide you with lots of opportunities to get involved so if you are not selected for one study, there will be others that you could take part in.

Happy Participant
Taking part in research can have lots of benefits

What types of studies need healthy volunteers?

The answer to that is lots of different types of studies. 

You could be asked to provide a DNA sample to compare the DNA of a healthy person to that of someone with an illness.  This helps to find out what causes a disease.

You might want to volunteer to take part in a clinical trial testing new interventions such as new medicines which could help bring better medicines to the market faster. 

You might want to try out a new technology and report back on how useful it was. This will help researchers to see how best to use it if at all. 

Some people are happy to fill out surveys and questionnaires to help improve knowledge and understanding of a condition or to help improve services.

The opportunities for volunteers are endless.