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Skin research

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About Skin Research

Dermatology is one of the largest research groups at Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust. According to Professor Chris Griffiths, director of The Dermatopharmacology Unit at SRFT,  “Skin disease affects up to a quarter of the population at any one time and now accounts for more GP visits than any other group of diseases”. Countless new treatments have undergone testing at Salford as part of multi-centre clinical trials.  These trials have been to assess whether the medicines work, and if they are safe.  Many are now used routinely in outpatient dermatology clinics.  By volunteering to take part in trials people in Salford have been some of the first people to get access to these new treatments. 
Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust has two very active dermatology research groups.

Professor Chris Griffiths leads the Dermatopharmacology Research Unit which is one of the leading dermatology clinical trials units in the UK.  

The interests of the group focus on the following main themes:


Professor Lesley Rhodes leads the Manchester Photobiology Research Unit.  Established in 2000, the unit focuses on the diagnoses and treatment of patients with photosensitivity disorders (genetic, biomechanical, immune and drug-related reactions to everyday sunlight exposure).

Dermatopharmacology research unit

photobiology research UNIT

Psoriasis Association

BRitish Skin foundation

The interests of the group focus on the following main themes:


Participating in a clinical trial

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