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Hyperacute Stroke Research Centre

Stroke Research

It is known that when someone has a stroke, the faster they get treatment the better chance they have of a full recovery.  It is possible for patients to access new and possibly better treatments by taking part in research studies. Stroke patients will often meet with research teams in hospital to discuss the possibility of taking part in a research study.  This is always voluntary and if you chose not to take part, you will always receive the best standard treatment available.

Stroke head image

Hyper Acute Stroke Research Centre

The Hyper Acute Stroke Research Centre at Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust is led by Dr Arshad Majid, Consultant stroke physician and Vikki O’Loughlin the senior research nurse.  The centre together with the Comprehensive Stroke Centre for Greater Manchester has round-the-clock research activity and access to advanced brain-scanning equipment.  This means that patients can take part in research trials for the new breakthrough stroke treatments seven days a week and within hours of having a stroke. This could improve the chance of a better recovery.

The centre has been made possible because of a better understanding of the condition.  Many clinicians and nurses in the NHS wish to improve care for their patients through research.  The National Stroke Strategy says that patients with suspected acute stroke should have an immediate structured clinical assessment and have fast access to brain-scanning equipment.  

Over recent years, a number of NHS Trusts, including SRFT, have developed specialist “fast-response” stroke units which can deliver “clot-busting” thrombolysis treatments to patients who they think will benefit from that treatment.  This treatment is only allowed to be given within a short time from the onset of stroke symptoms. 

At the same time the number of patients taking part in stroke clinical trials has more than doubled.   The developments in strategy for good practice, facilities for stroke care, expertise from our stroke specialists and world class research have made it possible for the new hyper-acute stroke research centres to be set up.  

As a patient, you are entitled to take part in research that may help you.  Researchers will be happy to talk to you about what they are doing and will support and help you if you do decide to take part.   You can also take part in research studies once you leave the Hyper Acute Stroke Research Centre, which aims to help people recover from stroke and help prevent stroke in the future.