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Citizen Scientist
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Volunteer Patients

Doctors are always looking for ways that they can improve the lives and health of their patients.  Many are actively involved in research programmes which help them to do this.  Patients are often asked if they would be willing to take part in research and many thousands agree to do so each year. By working with doctors to help them understand how new treatments work or how research would benefit them, patients who volunteer for research are the key to improving health now and in the future, and benefit from taking part in many different ways. 
to the Citizen Scientist project to receive regular updates about research opportunities and news

Studies looking for Patient Volunteers

Many patients take part in research each day.  Below are the current studies looking for volunteers.  You can contact the researchers directly but please download and read the information sheets available first

Poor sleepers wanted to take part in this study which aims to investigate predictors of sleep quality
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  • Rocker Shoe Study: 
Patients over 50 with knee pain /osteoarthritis of the knee wanted for this study
Coming soon...

People aged over 18 with peanut allergies wanted for this study
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patients with osteoarthritis in the knee or knee pain aged between 40-85 wanted for this study
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Struggle with personal relationships or identify as having Borderline Personality Disorder [BPD]?  Researchers are interested in your opinions on interventions in self-harm
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have you had thoughts about suicide?  Research at the University of Manchester are interested in hearing your views.  
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Both healthy volunteers and patients with Parkinson's disease needed for this study aged 50-75 
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wanted for this new COPD vaccine study based at Salford Royal.  
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Patients diagnosed with this skin condition wanted to take part in this study.  
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 Patients with dandruff and seborrhoeic dermatitis needed for this study.  
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Can you help researchers understand psychosis?  Researchers are looking for people who have experienced psychosis to take part in this study.  
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This study is looking for patients and healthy volunteers to take part.  
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Are emotions important to the psychological effects of alopecia areata? Patients with alopecia areata are wanted for brain scan study.  
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  • Tinnitus
We have a study looking at Tinnitus.  To find out more about this study and to ask about taking part please contact Dawn Marsh  or Caroline White on  

For parents of children aged 5-7 who are having a tooth extracted.  If your child is eligible you will be approached by a member of the research team when attending clinic.  
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Could you have a brain scan and complete some computer tasks? Patients with Psoriasis (aged 18-50) needed. 
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Are you about to have keyhole surgery at Salford Royal Hospital to release a persistent frozen shoulder?. Ask about taking part in this research study. 
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looking at the effects of insoles on keen pain and joint loading.  Do you have painful osteoarthritis of the knee and aged over 40?  You could take part in this study.  
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Do you have Diabetes?  Have you suffered with foot ulcers? You may be able to take part in this study.  
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Do you experience distressing mood swings or think you may have bipolar disorder, you can take part in this study.  
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Are you experiencing symptoms of depression but not currently taking medication.  You may be able to take part in this study.  
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Do you suffer with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) or Asthma and registered with a GP in Salford.  You can take part in this study.  
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Taking part in research can offer patients many benefits including

  • Access to new and potentially better treatments
  • More in depth or increased numbers of tests which may pick up other information related to your health
  • Improved understanding of your condition
  • Access to more health professionals who have a specific interest in improving your condition
  • Sense of well-being knowing you are helping others as well as yourself