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Motorised Rehabilitation of walking- MoRoW3

Research Area: Stroke

Basic Information: Researchers at the University of Manchester are working with NHS and other partners to develop a robot to help people learn to walk again after a stroke. The Motorised Rehabilitation of Walking (MoRoW-3) is funded by the National Institute of Health Research’s Invention for Innovation programme. It aims to support the patient’s weight and help them move their legs through a normal stepping movement pattern.

The 1st part of this project involves collecting measurements (height, leg length and circumference, hips and waist) from 500 stroke survivors to make sure Morow-3 accommodates the full range of body shapes and weights.

Participant Information:  Researchers are looking for people to take part in this study who:

  • experience difficulty walking following a stroke.


Locations: In most cases the research team will travel to see you either in your own homes or a place convenient to you.  There are several centres around the country that are taking part in this study.  If you contact the research team below they can tell you the one nearest to you.

How to Take Part: If you are interested in taking part, or would like more details please contact us on: 0161 306 XXXX, email:  or via our website www.strokeresearch.org.uk